Evaluate Functions and Formulas fun: How to make Excel’s Evaluate method twice as fast

Prompted by a comment from Sam on Match vs Find I thought I would take a look at Excel’s rather quirky Evaluate method with Excel 2010 to see how it performed.

The Evaluate method internally uses Excel’s formula parser and calculator, and this makes it surprisingly powerful. You can use it on virtually any kind of formula, range reference or Defined Name. But, as we will see, it does have a number of strange “quirks” that you have to navigate around.

Depending on the context Evaluate will either return an object (for example a Range) or values.

I will be using exactly the same test setup of 100000 rows of randomly generated XY pairs and timing routine as in Match vs Find, so you can directly compare the results.

Using the square brackets [ ] shortcut for Evaluate

Sam’s comment suggested using [COUNTIFS] to see how the timing compared with MATCH and FIND. Of course its not quite the same thing because the loop on Match and Find allows the VBA to do something for each XY pair found. Sam’s VBA looks like this:

Dim j As Long
Dim dTime As Double
dTime = Microtimer
j = [COUNTIFS(A1:A100000,"x",B1:B100000,"y")]
Debug.Print "COUNTIFS1 " & j & " " & (Microtimer - dTime) * 1000
End Sub

It takes 11.6 millisecs to find the 25135 XY pairs generated using a constant of 0.5 in the test data generator.

[ ] is a shortcut for Application.Evaluate. The advantage of using the [ ] brackets is that it is concise and the formula inside the [ ] is exactly the same as when used in a worksheet cell. The disadvantage is that you cannot generate the formula as a string. I tend to only use this notation when evaluating my hidden workbook-scoped defined names, because they are not likely to change. (Of course sometimes I get lazy …)

Using Application.Evaluate instead of [ ]

You can use Evaluate or Application.Evaluate with a string instead of the [ ]

j = Evaluate("COUNTIFS(A1:A100000," & Chr(34) & "x" & Chr(34) & ",B1:B100000," & Chr(34) & "y" & Chr(34) & ")")

The timing is virtually identical to the [ ] shortcut method.

Application.Evaluate and the Activesheet

One trap for the unwary with [ ] , Evaluate and Application.Evaluate is that all references that do not contain a worksheet (unqualified references like A1:A100000) are assumed to refer to whatever the Active sheet currently happens to be.
So if you are going to use Application.Evaluate you should always use a qualified reference (Sheet1!A1:A100000) unless you like your code to live dangerously.


Worksheets and Charts also have an Evaluate Method. When you use these methods unqualified references are assumed to refer to the worksheet or chart.

Dim j As Long
Dim dTime As Double
dTime = Microtimer
j = Worksheets("Sheet1").Evaluate("COUNTIFS(A1:A100000," & Chr(34) & "x" & Chr(34) & ",B1:B100000," & Chr(34) & "y" & Chr(34) & ")")
Debug.Print "COUNTIFS3 " & j & " " & (Microtimer - dTime) * 1000
End Sub

Now for the surprise: Worksheet.Evaluate is twice as fast as Application.Evaluate!
(actually 6.1 millisecs as opposed to 11.6 millisecs)

I am fairly sure that there is a bug in Application.Evaluate that actually does the evaluation twice.
Certainly if you use Application.evaluate on a UDF the UDF will be executed twice.


In the real world I have never actually used Chart.Evaluate (probably because I hate programming Chart objects), but according to Help it seems you can do interesting things with it:

“Chart Objects. You can specify any chart object name, such as “Legend”, “Plot Area”, or “Series 1”, to access the properties and methods of that object. For example, Charts("Chart1").Evaluate("Legend").Font.Name returns the name of the font used in the legend.”

Evaluating Array Formulas

Amazingly if you give Evaluate an array formula it evaluates it as an array formula:

Dim j As Long
Dim dTime As Double
dTime = Microtimer
j = ActiveSheet.Evaluate("SUM((A1:A100000=" & Chr(34) & "x" & Chr(34) & ")*(B1:B100000=" & Chr(34) & "y" & Chr(34) & "))")
Debug.Print "COUNTIFS4 " & j & " " & (Microtimer - dTime) * 1000
End Sub

This is quite a lot slower than COUNTIFS: it takes nearly 19 milliseconds.
If you are a SUMPRODUCT fan you could use

j = ActiveSheet.Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A100000=" & Chr(34) & "x" & Chr(34) & "),--(B1:B100000=" & Chr(34) & "y" & Chr(34) & "))")
But its not significantly faster.

Evaluate speed compared to a formula in a cell

You would expect Evaluate to be slower than Excel natively calculating the formula in a cell. And indeed it is, but its quite close for a single formula;

Countifs Formula 6.0
Evaluate Countifs 6.1

Array Sum Formula 16.9
Evaluate Array Sum 18.9

Evaluate speed compared to using Application.Worksheetfunction

It looks like there is a higher overhead to using Evaluate, which is what you would expect.
Here is a version of the FindXY sub using Evaluate with MATCH instead of Worksheetfunction.Match.

Sub FindXYEval()
Dim oRng As Range
Dim oLastRng As Range
Dim j As Long
Dim jRow As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim Rw As Long
Dim dTime As Double
dTime = Microtimer
Set oRng = Range(“a1:A100000”)
Set oLastRng = oRng(oRng.Rows.Count)
Rw = oLastRng.Row
On Error GoTo finish
With Application.WorksheetFunction
Set oRng = Range(oRng(j + 1), oLastRng)    ‘<<<<= Rw
j = ActiveSheet.Evaluate(“Match(” & Chr(34) & “X” & Chr(34) & “,” & oRng.Address & “, 0)”)
jRow = jRow + j
If oRng(j, 2).Value2 = “Y” Then n = n + 1
Loop Until jRow + 1 > Rw
End With
Debug.Print “MatchEval ” & n & ” ” & (Microtimer – dTime) * 1000
End Sub

This takes 3720 milliseconds compared to 478 milliseconds using Worksheetfunction.Match. There are just over 50000 calls to Evaluate or Match so I reckon the additional overhead of using Evaluate is about 65 Microseconds per call.

More Evaluate Limitations: Updated

  • The string being evaluated must be less than 256 characters, even in Excel 2010.
  • A1 style references can be evaluated in both A1 and R1C1 reference mode (Application.ReferenceStyle), but R1C1 style references can only be evaluated in R1C1 mode.
  • Relative references in the string are treated as absolute, unless they are contained in defined names in which case the defined name is evaluated with respect to cell A1.
  • Dates should be in USA format (Month-Day-Year).
  • Evaluate will return an error value if the string formulae contains external references to closed workbooks or XLM functions.
  • Using Evaluate INDEX(rng,rownum,COLUMN()) gives incorrect answers except for the first column. Evaluate 0+INDEX(rng,rownum,COLUMN()) works
  • If the string formula contains a reference to both a UDF and a name it will fail with an error 2029 if the name reference occurs AFTER the UDF reference:
    • If fred is a named range and xyz() is a user defined VBA function then this statement returns error 2029: application.Evaluate(“=xyz(b1)+fred”)
    • This statement returns the correct value: application.Evaluate(“=fred+xyz(b1)”)
    • Microsoft KB article 823604 identifies this problem but does not correctly diagnose the circumstances that cause it.

You can bypass many of these limitations (at the cost of performance) by inserting the formula string into a worksheet cell and then reading the resulting cell value back into a VBA variable.

Error Handling

If Evaluate cannot evaluate the formula string it returns an error rather than raising an error, so the result of Evaluate should always be assigned to a Variant.


  • The Evaluate method adds a lot of power to VBA
  • Always use Worksheet.Evaluate rather than Application.Evaluate: its twice as fast and less error-prone
  • Using Worksheet.Evaluate has comparable speed to a cell formula but a higher overhead
  • Worksheetfunction has a lower overhead than Evaluate
  • Beware the Quirks of Evaluate!

So whats your experience of Evaluate?

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44 Responses to Evaluate Functions and Formulas fun: How to make Excel’s Evaluate method twice as fast

  1. xlfEvaluate from the C SDK also has it’s quirks. It doesn’t work unless you prepend an excalmation point in front of all references.

  2. Jon says:

    Interesting. I’ve used the Evaluate function in a user form to return the result of a formula written by a the user and I cropped off the parts that weren’t finished being written. For example,

    User Input: “10+20+”

    Crop to: “10+20”

    Evaluated: 30

    I guess you would call that, live evaluations.

  3. fastexcel says:

    I have not got to xlfEvaluate yet: it will be interesting to see how many of the VBA Evaluate limitations also apply, and what the performance is like.

  4. fastexcel says:

    Another truly weird Evaluate quirk has been found here
    Seems that Evaluate cannot correctly handle Column() when embedded in INDEX: the example that fails is INDEX($A$19:$I$39,11,column())
    The COLUMN() part always returns 1.
    It works if you make the INDEX part of an expression

  5. sam says:


    [Row()] or [Column()] are returning a single dimensional single element array

    Try this in the immediate window
    ?[Row()] and it gives us a type mismatch error

    Modify it to
    And it works fine

    So in the Index problem above
    The below should work fine

    Sub TestEval()
    Dim cPos As Variant
    cPos = [Column()]
    Debug.Print Sheet2.Evaluate(“Index(A1:C12,11,” & cPos(1) & “)”)
    End Sub

    • fastexcel says:

      Sam, You could bypass the problem that way, but it does not explain the bug
      part of Evaluates weird behaviour is that you can use Evaluate(“Column()”) and it works correctly (gives you the column number of the active column).
      The part that does not work correctly is when you embed the Column() inside INDEX.
      In that case COLUMN() always returns 1 regardless of the active column. Even weirder is that if you make the INDEX statement part of an expression it starts working correctly.

      • sam says:

        Charles, I tried this in the immediate window

        ?Evaluate(“Column()”) is gave me a Type mismatch error.
        Now try
        ?Evaluate(“0+Column()”) also gives the Type mismatch error.

        I think inside Evaluate the Column() and Row() are getting treated as an array formula and are returning a single element array like so {Number}

        In the MATCH function the 2nd Parameter is LookupArray and hence should accept a formula that returns an array

        Try this in the immediate window

        With your cursor in any cell of Column B
        ?[Match(2,column(),0)] give 1 which is correct

        as it must be doing


        ?[Match(2,Column(A1:C1),0)] gives 2 which is correct
        as it now must be doing

        Match(2,{1,2,3},0) and giving 2

        If you change the cursor to cell c1 and try the above it gives 3

        Another example

        ?[Small({1,2,3},Column()] will give 1 or 2 or 3 depending on the position of the cursor being in a or b or c

        Like wise
        ?[Small(Column(A1:C1),2) will give 2

        Small will accept Arrays for both the parameters

        ?[SUMPRODUCT(Column(),Column())] will give 9 if the active cell is in column c

        Now to try and explain INDEX

        In the syntax INDEX(Array,RowPos,ColPos) the RowPos and ColPos parameters are not designed to accept arrays natively

        So Index(A1:C10,5,{1,2}) when array entered in a cell will only return one element but when array entered across 2 cells will return both elements

        So in the immediate window
        ?[Index(column(A1:C1),1,2)] gives 2 as
        Index({1,2,3},1,2) is 2
        ?Index(Row(A1:A10),2,1)] also gives 2 as
        Index({1;2;3….10},2,1) is 2

        In functions that accept arrays natively as their parameters
        The row/column functions work as expected inside evaluate
        and do not need to be part of an expression

        However when specified as parameters of functions that dont accept arrays natively they seem to return the Lbound value of the array

        Why the 0+ works but it reminds me of a bug / feature in Subtotal

        “If the subtotal function is present in the last row of a filtered table, excel treats that row as a “total” row and excludes it from the filter range. But if you make the subtotal as a part of an expression eg. 1*Subtotal then things work fine”

      • fastexcel says:

        Thanks for the research: I think you may be correct about why certain functions such as INDEX don’t work with COLUMN() but others do.
        The 0+ explanation might be something to do with the way Excel handles function arguments – if they are expressions then they get evaluated before being passed to the function as arrays (equivalent to the distinction between P and R types in XLLs). So maybe makeing it an expression means that it gets passed to a different bit of Excel before being returned to Evaluate.

  6. Lori Miller says:

    Seems that references get lost in translation as this doesn’t happen with XLM Evaluate. Looks to be a result of a deeper issue with evaluating relative references in formulas when the return value is a reference, eg [Indirect(“rc”,0)] always returns A1 but ExecuteExcel4Macro(“!rc”) always returns B2.

    • fastexcel says:

      @Lori, Yes I wondered if it had something to do with the way Evaluate treats relative references, but that didnt explain the fact that it works with 0+ on the front.

  7. Lori Miller says:

    Yeah it is odd, formulas appear to be evaluated relative to A1 if a reference is returned but relative to the activecell in other cases. One could speculate why this is but it doesn’t seem right to me. Defining the formula as a name and using the Referstorange property does evaluate relative to the activecell though.

  8. sam says:

    “So maybe makeing it an expression means that it gets passed to a different bit of Excel before being returned to Evaluate.”

    That certainly seems to be the case…

    Lets assume A1 and A2 have 1 and 2 but stored as text (single quote before them or cells formatted as text)

    =SUM(A1:A2) return an 0
    but =A1+A2 gives 3.

    When made part of expressions A1 and A2 seem to get passed to a “different bit of Excel”

    Maybe A1+A2 is giving us the equivalent of A1.Value2 + A2.Value2 (unformated/underlying value of the cell)
    where as =SUM(A1:A2) must be working on just .Value or something like that

    Thanks for these post…got some nice insights !

  9. Jeff Weir says:

    It strikes me that another use of the EVALUATE worksheet function is as a non-volatile version of INDIRECT. This could be quite handy if you want to have a user be able to select a range from say a validation list dropdown, and then have a formula calculate something based on the range they selected.

    For instance, you might have a whole lot of different scenarios that you want to model – or different divisions of a company that you want to be able to crunch some data for.Say you have different sets of input data for the model that you want to use to generate scenarios 1 through n. If you assign named ranges to the input data, such as Scenario_1, Scenario_2, …, Scenario_n then you can set up a named range called Current_Scenario in the Name Manager with the formula =Evaluate(input_1), where input_1 is a cell where you type the particular Scenario_n you want to model. Then you just use the output of Current_Scenario to feed your model, and hey presto, you can change your model input at will.

  10. dougaj4 says:

    Charles – All very interesting. I copied your examples onto my machine and got much the same result, although there seems to be an enormous variation in the time from run to run.

    However when I tried it on my own UDF I only got an improvement of 10-20% (with Excel 2010). The difference seems to be that I am using Evaluate on a VBA array of strings, calling the Evaluate command for each item in the array, rather than a single call of an array function on spreadsheet data.

    Incidentally I tried modifying your routine by converting the string formula to a string before calling the Evaluate function:

    FString = “COUNTIFS(A1:A100000,” & Chr(34) & “x” & _
    Chr(34) & “,B1:B100000,” & Chr(34) & “y” & Chr(34) & “)”
    j = Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Evaluate(FString)

    It didn’t make any significant difference.

  11. Craig says:

    Thanks for doing the research and posting findings.

    re:Evaluating Array Formulas

    This works: ?[AVERAGEIFS(DETOdo[Odometer],DETOdo[Unit],”176″)]

    But this fails: ?[MEDIAN(IF(DETOdo[Unit]=”176″,DETOdo[Odometer]))]

    Error is: Item with the specified name wasn’t found

    Also – I guess I’m not very smart, but I couldn’t follow the code in: Evaluate speed compared to using Application.Worksheetfunction

  12. fastexcel says:

    Craig, I am not surprised you could not follow the code since it was severely mangled by the HTML. I think I have fixed it now …

  13. jeffreyweir says:

    Hi Charles. Say we have this in B16:
    “Dear Seniors”
    Is there any way we can call this from VBA:
    …in a way that populates a VBA array with this:
    {“D”;”e”;”a”;”r”;” “;”S”;”e”;”n”;”i”;”o”;”r”;”s”}

    If I try var = [MID(B16,ROW(OFFSET(A1,,,LEN(B16))),1)] then I just get a var with “D” in it.

    Note that var = [ROW(OFFSET(A1,,,LEN(B16)))] populates an array to var, but put this in a MID function and you only get the first element.

    • fastexcel says:

      Looks like another evaluate quirk. Of course you could always use a byte array
      Dim aByte() As Byte
      aByte = StrConv(Range("B6"), vbFromUnicode)

      • jeffreyweir says:

        Hi Charles. Colin Legg pointed out that this does the trick:
        var = [TRANSPOSE(MID(B16,ROW(OFFSET(A1,,,LEN(B16))),1))]

        Over at http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/populating-a-vba-array-via-evaluating-a-formula I was pondering why this needs to be wrapped in TRANSPOSE to work.

        And my clever pal shrivallabha pointed out the following:

        Perhaps because MID itself is designed to return a single result from the array.
        vA = [IF(MID(B16,ROW(OFFSET(A1,,,LEN(B16))),1)”~”,MID(B16,ROW(OFFSET(A1,,,LEN(B16))),1),””)]
        will also give the same result as does Colin’s code

        Hey, I was thinking of you yesterday. Picked up a nice bottle of Central Otago Pinot Noir, which I know you are partial too. Had the great name of ‘Fickle Mistress’, and a great taste to boot!

      • I have always done the alternate code this way…

        Dim Txt As String, Letters() As String
        Txt = StrConv(Range(“B6”), vbUnicode)
        Letters = Split(Left(Txt, Len(Txt) – 1), Chr(0))

        Although I would point out that you can produce the same Letters array as above with this single line of code…

        Letters = Evaluate(“TRANSPOSE(MID(B6,ROW(1:” & LEN(Range(“B6”).Value) & “),1))”)

        where Letters would be declared as a Variant for it.

  14. kintaar says:

    I have a workbook where Debug.Print Application.Evaluate(1) as well as Debug.Print Application.Evaluate(“1”) cause an error. It’s very strange that a reference to a cell is fine, but not a number. Code that worked for weeks suddenly doesn’t work in the one particular file. I ended up using IsNumeric to catch numerical values so that I didn’t have to worry about the code exiting abnormally. Any ideas what could have caused this?

    • fastexcel says:

      And you only have the problem in one workbook? Strange. Have you tried using Code Cleaner?
      Also I would try sprinkling some prophylactic DoEvents and maybe even an ActiveBook.Activate

      • kintaar says:

        There really isn’t anywhere to put other lines of code because the error occurs when I type that one line into the debug window (not even in break mode). However, I think I just figured out what causes it. If I insert a Microsoft Equation 3.0 object into a worksheet, it causes an error. As soon as I delete the equation object, that line of code evaluates correctly. It’s clearly a bug in Excel and/or the equation object and I think it causes other strange behavior as well. For example, I also started getting strange behavior recalculating precedent cells.

  15. Kai says:

    I have an Application.Evaluate() inside a UDF that returns an array. I have a second function that uses Application.Evaluate() to expand an array to its appropriate size into a sheet. It seems that this nesting of Application.Evaluate() causes Error 2015. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
    I am thankful for any help..

    • fastexcel says:

      I don’t think Evaluate is allowed to call itself – there is a basic rule that calculation cannot be called recursively and I think that this is the problem.

      • Kai says:

        thanks for the reply. I decided to solve the problem by reimplementing some basic functionality of evaluate in my second function, so that I dont have the recursion.

  16. snb says:

    what I like :

    Sub M_snb()
    c00 = "924589"
    MsgBox Evaluate(Format(c00, Replace(Space(Len(c00)), " ", "+@")))
    End Sub

  17. snb says:

    How you can use Evaluate to populate comboboxes / listboxes see here:


  18. CB_Excel says:

    You’re the man! I was using…

    Function Evalu(ByVal S As String) As String
    Application.Volatile True
    Evalu = Application.Evaluate(S)
    End Function

    And for whatever reason, when I would go to a different sheet than the one that had the UDF function “Evalu”, the results would zero out. I could press all combinations of Alt + Shift + F9 and the formula would not calculate.

    When I specificied Evalu = Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Evaluate(S) then the formula would automatically calculate.

    Thanks for the help and good luck to everyone on this board!

  19. ATV says:

    Very Good !!
    Evaluate (excelname) fails, but sheet1.Evaluate (excelname) does it well.

    Where excelname equals “aaPath_S”
    With a value definition of “C: \ folder1 \ Folder2 …”

    Excellent performance tests

    a pleasure

  20. David says:

    A side benefit of using mySheet.Evaluate is that it means you can enter significantly longer formulae; if you have to include the sheet name and potentially the file name for every cell reference, you can quickly reach the 255 character limit.

  21. Brian Murphy says:

    I was going nuts trying to figure out Error 2029 in VBA. It was the quirk of having defined names after a UDF. This blog saved me. Many thanks.

  22. Brian Hershman says:

    Not a reply, but an associated issue with EVALUATE:
    I am trying to write a UDF/Worksheet function that will return to Excel the value of one specified properties of a specified object’s , e.g the FORMULA of a Range. The object and the property are passed to the function as strings:
    Function PropVal(object as string, prop as string) as string
    PropVal= evaluate( object & “.” & prop) ‘or something similar.
    end function
    So to return the Formula of a Selected cell, I would like to run ‘=PropVal(“Selection”,”Formula”)’.
    But it always generates an error, 2015 or 2029 probably.
    Is there a simple correction that would make it work?

    • fastexcel says:

      EVALUATE only works on Excel formulas so you cannot use it to get object properties.

      • Brian Hershman says:

        Thanks, it is good to get authoritative information. The topic is not adequately covered either in the official Help documentation or in the Excel literature that I have. That will save me wasting my time on testing something that is bound to fail!

    • J. Woolley says:

      @Brian Hershman
      My Excel Toolbox (https://sites.google.com/view/MyExcelToolbox/) has a function that will return an object’s property. VBAResult is a UDF with the following syntax:
      where Expression is a text string representing a VBA expression that produces a text, numeric, or TRUE/FALSE result. If there is an error, #VALUE! will be returned by the function; otherwise, the result of Expression will be returned. If the result is an array, only the first element of the array is returned (but it might be possible to revisit that limit). For your example, enter this formula into a cell:
      then change the Selection/ActiveCell and press F9 to recalculate. Here is an abbreviated version of the function:

      Public Function VBAResult(Expression As Variant) As Variant

      ‘ Return the Result (left side of equal sign) of VBA Expression (right side of equal sign)
      ‘ This function will call itself with bRecursion set to True for the second pass
      ‘ Example: =”ActiveSheet has “&VBAResult(“ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Count”)&” hyperlinks”

      Static bRecursion As Boolean ‘ initially False; second pass initiated when True
      Static vResult As Variant ‘ result of each pass; second pass replaces first pass
      Const A As String = “‘” ‘ apostrophe
      On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
      If IsArray(Expression) Then
      vResult = Expression(LBound(Expression))
      vResult = Expression
      End If
      bRecursion = (Not bRecursion)
      ‘ WARNING: Do not change the next statement; apostrophe does the magic
      If bRecursion Then Application.Run A & “VBAResult ” & Expression & A
      VBAResult = vResult
      Exit Function
      bRecursion = False
      VBAResult = CVErr(xlErrValue)
      End Function

      The inspiration for this function came from Lori at http://dailydoseofexcel.com/archives/2018/07/02/hyperlink-formula-events/#comment-1045694. Apostrophe is the trick. I have never really understood why it works. Perhaps someone reading this can explain it.

  23. beyphy says:

    I was reading about list comprehensions in Python and was wondering how to emulate similar functionality in VBA. After thinking about it for a bit, it came to me: The evaluate method. I found a few neat uses of the evaluate method which aren’t described in your post.

    Given that the evaluate method evaluates a string expression, such a expression can be provided dynamically and concatenated, say, through a function procedure. So I created a function called MAP which takes an array parameter, and a string expression, and evaluates each element of the array in conjunction with the string expression. You can see my code below:

    Option Explicit

    Function MAP(arr(), expr As String)

    Dim i As Long

    For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)

    arr(i) = Worksheets(activesheet.name”).Evaluate(arr(i) & expr)

    Next i

    MAP = arr

    End Function

    Sub subby()

    Dim va(2) As Variant, arr() As Variant, i As Long

    va(0) = 2
    va(1) = 4
    va(2) = 6

    arr = MAP(va, “/2”)

    For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)

    Debug.Print arr(i)

    Next i

    ‘debug.prints 1, 2, and 3

    End Sub

    Thinking about this function, I thought about how you could achieve similar functionality using array formulas in Excel (e.g. “={2,4,6}/2”) So I wondered if such a construct would would in VBA, and it does. This can be achieved like so:

    Sub subby2()

    Dim arr As Variant, i As Long

    arr = Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Evaluate(“{2,4,6}/2”)

    For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)

    Debug.Print arr(i)

    Next i

    ‘debug.prints 1, 2, 3

    End Sub

  24. Hendrik Schmieder says:

    A note to xlfEvaluate from the C SDK :
    According to Steve Daltons Book
    “Financial applications using Excel add-ibn development in C/C++” 2.edition Page 362
    the behaviour of xlfEvaluat depenfs whether the function is registered as worksheet functions or macro worksheet function/command

  25. Hendrik Schmieder says:

    A note to worksheet evaluate:
    I tried in C#
    ws.Evaluate(“MyUdf(\”” + ws.Name + “\”)”);

    where ws is an Excel worksheet object.

    But MyUdf is still called twice .
    MyUdf returns a Xloper12 of type bool

  26. Dan S says:

    If you just want to evaluate an Excel variable/name and it’s within the scope of your VBA (as is usually the case with say a public function), then Range(“VariableName”) is usually faster than Evaluate(“VariableName”). The time savings can add up quickly.

    • fastexcel says:

      @Dan S: You are right – I was primarily looking at the use of Evaluate with formula strings or with Defined Names containing formula strings rather than with Defined Names referring to ranges.

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